Review Article
A Brief Historical Survey of the Anatomophysiology of the Human Body
Sergio Musitelli, Maria Antonella Bertozzi
J Sci Discov (2018); 2(1):jsd17022; Feburary 1, 2018

Case Report
Sister Mary Joseph Nodule, a benign looking sign of underlying malignancy
Omar N. Saab, Mohanad A. Albayyaa, Imad Alwahashi, Muhammad Mehdee, Nisar Ahmed
J Sci Discov (2018); 2(1):jsd18002; February 5, 2018

Case Report
Coexistence of Chronic Renal Disease with Rosacea
Mohammad Ali Raza Qizalbash, Rida Zahra, Younus Dheyaa Al-Midfai
J Sci Discov (2018); 2(1):jsd18010; May 15, 2018