Open Access Online Scientific Journal

Research Article

J Sci Discov (2020); 4(2):jsd20039; DOI:10.24262/jsd.4.2.20039; 
Received August 15th, 2020, Revised October 10th, 2020, Accepted October 27th, 2020, Published November 10th, 2020.

Heavy Metal Removal from Edible Leafy Vegetable by Low Cost Novel Adsorbents: Hazelnut Shell

Ahmadreza Fatahi1, Parisa Ziarati1,2, *, Afshin Jafarpour3, Luis Cruz-Rodriguez 4,5*


1Nutrition & Food Sciences Research Center, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University Tehran-Iran (IAUTMU)

2Dept of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University Tehran-Iran (IAUTMU)

3Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, School of Paramedical Sciences, Garmsar, Iran

4CEO, ELIDAN america LLC, Fl, USA

5CEO, ELIDAN genome SAS, 1 avenue du Lycée, 77130 Montereau Fault Yonne; France


* Correspondence:Dr. Parisa Ziarati, Nutrition and Food Sciences Research Center, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran. No 99, Yakhchal, Gholhak, Dr. Shariati, Tehran-Iran. Email: ziarati.p@iaups,, OR Dr. Luis CRUZ-RODRIGUEZ, ELIDAN america LLC, 6822 NW 77th CT, Miami, FL, USA. Email: ,


Hazelnut (Corylus avellna L.) is one of the important nut crops in world as well as in Iran which harvesting of it mostly is done by hand / manual or mechanical raking of fallen nuts. There are some genotypes of hazelnut in Iran that their growing areas are limited to Gillan, Aredbil, Mazandaran, Golestan, Zanjan and Qazvin Provinces. Soil contamination by heavy metals, though restricted to surface horizons, based on soil texture are occluded, organically complexed, modified and specifically adsorbed based on anthropogenic sources, resulted in toxicity ramification on human health, has been in vogue as a serious environmental problem for last few decades. A laboratory study was planned due to reduction of Lead and Cadmium toxicity by a low-cost soil amendment. Hazelnut (Corylus avellna L.) pit shell an abundant and low cost natural resource in Iran was used to adsorbing some heavy metals from contaminated soil of vegetable farmlands I the south of Tehran. Different adsorption parameters like adsorbent dose, particle size of adsorbent and time of growing parsley vegetable were studied. Composite soil sample were collected from ten randomized farmland locations at 5 agricultural fields (each one more than 10 hectares), in Tehran county, Iran. Cultivated Leafy vegetable samples were grown under controlled similar physical conditions, including pH, light and demonized watering. Leaves, roots and soil samples were examined, analyses and studied, at various frequencies for heavy metals: Lead and cadmium contents. The results of current  study revealed that biomass can accumulate  significantly high levels of Cd ( p < 0.0003) and Pb ( p < 0.005) in a short time(10 days) from soil and their uptake rate by vegetable and edible plant is significantly affected by their concentrations in the contaminated soil (p<0.001). The results showed that both of lead and cadmium have a bigger decrease at 2% bio-mass concentration. Hazelnut hard shell (HHS) can decrease lead content at 87.7% and 100% cadmium content in leaves of parsley after 30 days treatment. On the comparative, parsley root reached 100% in all treatment along the decrease of lead and cadmium. In conclusion, waste of hazelnut could be a good adsorbent to remove heavy metals from soil amendments and improve the safety of vegetable and soil in the same time.

Keywords:Hazelnut shell, Detoxification, Heavy Metals, Adsorbent, Leafy Vegetable


Nutrition & Food Sciences Research Center, Islamic Azad University Medical Sciences Tehran, Tehran-Iran (IAUMST) is gratefully acknowledged. This study has Non-grant fund.

Conflict of interest

None of the authors have any conflicts of interest associated with this study.


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